Tuesday 13 October 2015

First Attemp at Sourdough Pastry

As I have previous written, I am in the process of trying to convert some of my many baking recipes to use sourdough instead of conventional yeast: Last time it was a brioche. This time the subject was butter dough.

I was going to an afternoon birthday and thought it was a good opportunity to make a cakewoman (a standard Danish birthday pastry) while testing out the dough and also do some other pastries, like Croissant and the favorite Danish Te-birkes.

It was quite a long process, starting Wednesday evening and finishing Saturday midday. First step was making a base of sourdough starter out of some of the ingredients. Next day it was the actual dough. Then came the butter layering and then next day rolling, cutting, shaping and baking. It was a fun little project, and for sure something I will do again. Still need to improve layering of the butter a bit, so the pastry will end up more fluffy. But even though the sourdough was present in the taste, they were quite good. And Fritzi was certainly a hit at the party. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry I can't taste it, but it look fantastic.
