
Thursday 31 March 2011

Welcome back!

Today someone dear to me came back to Berlin after being away for 7 months. It was almost like she didn't really leave. We went to celebrate with wine.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

All I remember from last night is you!

I don't know what I love most about Teitur? If it is his skills to write beautiful lyrics, his voice, the way he can entertain an audience while tuning his guitar or the way he can't help him self laughing when he says something funny.
I almost didn't go to this concert, because I already saw him live not that long ago. But I had a feeling that I would regret it if I didn't. So last minute I decided to go, and was really glad I did. I was a little worried that he would play the same set as last time, but it was a lot different. And even though I don't really like to play favorites with his songs, because I think they are almost equally good, I did like that he played "All my mistakes" and "Catherine the waitress"
Last but not least he played what I consider to be one of the greatest covers of all times.

I am really crossing my fingers that he will play at the Roskilde Festival.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Hoffentlich Sehen Wir Uns Bald!

That was what Jose Gonzales said last night as Tiffany and I went to see him and the Gothenburg string theory in Admiralspalast.
This was an amazing concert. Not only because it was totally different than his minimalistic albums, which for me is the perfect concert experience, but also because the setup was so grant that I couldn't help but get a little emotionel.
I loved everything about it. Even the guy who did the warm up, who made no effort to hide that he was singing to play back music. I loved the beautiful star heaven above the stage that was almost like the teardrops he was singing about, and the dancing drummers in the background. At the end he had to come out 3 times on stage, because the whole audience was so exited.
I really hope that I will be seeing him bald wieder.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Wieder am Flohmarkt!

One of the things I never get tired of as a Sunday activity is going to the Flohmarkt. And today it was such a beautiful weather, so I meet up with Stine in Mauerpark to see if I could find something interesting. And it was so full of people.
I was looking to see if I could find a small instrument, but didn't really see anything, instead I found this old picture of what must be the very first Hipster. I just couldn't resist it.

It's kind of a funny story!

Last night I saw this very cute movie. "It's kind of a funny story" about Craig who commits himself to a psychiatric ward for 5 days, after wanting to kill himself.
I really liked the scenes where he's imagine something. and the dialog and humor of the movie is brilliant.
I haven't seen a movie like this for a long time. It was serious but at the same time funny and thoughtful. (if your into Juno, your would definitely like this one too)

Friday 25 March 2011

Soon I will be yours!

Today I bought a Present for myself. I am looking forward to putting it to use.

Saturday 19 March 2011


Even though the sun was shining beautifully today. I decided to go the the cinema and see the danish film "In A Better World" which just won an Oscar.
I wanted to see it for a long time, and now the German cinemas are playing because of the award.
At first I though I ended at a synchronized screening, because all of the trailers were in German, luckily when the movie started it was the original language.
I really liked the film, and the cinematography, especially the scenes from Africa with all the colorful clothes.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Patience Is Required!

Today I have been leaning something new. And after locking myself inside my room the past couple of months, only working with art, it was kind of nice to try something different. Claudia is taking a weaving course to experiment on the possibilities, and she brought me along. It was so much fun, and time just flew. I am really looking forward to going there tomorrow again.

I love flowers!

Last night I had another surprise. The doorbell rang, and it was someone who had more flowers for me. They were from my Father, and the best thing about them besides looking beautiful is that they smell like spring.

Thanks to all my friends and family for the congrats, I am happy I am in your thoughts.

Monday 14 March 2011

You Did Good!

Today Claudia gave me flower to congratulate me on getting accepted to school. It was totally unexpected and so sweet of her, so I decided to let them stay in the Studio so we can both enjoy them.

Sunday 13 March 2011

A Sunday Smile!

Today the sun is shining, and I want to go for a long walk with my camera while humming the melody of "A Sunday Smile"

Beirut - Sunday Smile | 'Cheap Magic Inside' edition from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Saturday 12 March 2011


This morning I got good news! I got into art school. My head is spinning, and I am totally exited. This means that all my hard work finally paid of. I just have to pass an English language test, which hopefully wont be a problem and then I am in. I can't wait to go back to school.

Great Expectations!

It seams like everything in my life right now is about waiting. So I decided I might as well pass the time with something useful. Therefore I used yesterday, turning this beautiful old tablecloth that I found in a 2. hand stop, into a brand new summer dress. I really love it. The only problem is, that I want to wear it so bad, that now I also can't wait for summer to come.



Tuesday 8 March 2011

Before The Fast!

Tonight I was invited to John and Lisa's for Shrove Tuesday. An Irish tradition, which means pancakes pancakes pancakes. So we ate pancakes to prepare our self for 40 days without any sweets. And for the first time I had pancake with butter, sugar and Lemon. It is recommendable.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Sunny Sunday!

Today we ate the first Sunday brunch, I have had since I moved to Berlin. It am sure thought that it will not be the last. After that we went a quick round on Boxi for the Flohmarkt, and the visited Neue Nationalgallerie, where I also haven't been before. We ended the day at Operncafe where I just had to get a piece of their delicious cake.

The Poetry Of A Naked Body!

One of the things my Father and I did while he is visiting, was to go and see The Robert Mapplethorpe exhibition on C/O Berlin. I wanted to see the exhibition but also get another glimpse at the beautiful old building which they will be leaving soon. Here are a couple of my favorite pictures from the exhibition, the last one being a kind of funny picture installation, that I couldn't help taking a picture of, even though you were not supposed to.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Zum Geburtstag

Tuesday My Father came to Visit. It was his birthday, so I made brunch with home backed bread and "brunsviger". After all the eating, we went for a long walk in Treptower park and around the old amusement park to enjoy the beautiful spring weather, and had a snack at a little "Kuchenhaus" along the Spree.
At night we went to see God Squad performing their version of Andy Warhol's Kitchen, and luckily my father enjoyed it as much as me.

Tuesday 1 March 2011


So now our calender officially says spring, and I have to say that here in Berlin something that resembles that is happening these days. Yesterday I had to take of my hat and mittens when I was biking to work.
Among the things that I can wait for to happen right now, is for outside to look like this.