
Sunday 30 November 2014

Colder times!

One great thing about winter is that colder times calls for warmer food. This broccoli soup is really amazing, thanks to Instagram that quickly became a new favorite recipe. If you want to try yourself, you can find it here.

Monday 24 November 2014

A trip to Lichtenberg!

We used our Sunday to go to Lichtenberg, where it seems that the fall is so much more colorful than around where we live. I had actually begun to fell a bit depressed about fall, since its colours has been quite monotone this year. It was a beautiful weather, and despite the fact that the air was pretty fresh, the sun kept us warm while sitting in the park. Though in the end we were happy to return home for a cup of tea.

Thursday 20 November 2014

A Place I Really Like - Wyvern Bindery!

I recently discovered that I had neglected to make a post about my former work place in London. It's been a while but during my recent visit to London, I dropped by to say hi and it was just as nice as ever.

The place is one big mess, and you can hardly get around from all the things stocked up in each corner, but it captures really well the soul of all the nice people working there and all the different and exiting jobs they get in the door.

I am really happy that I was part of it for a while. This is one of the places that really made a home for me in London.

Monday 17 November 2014


More and more leaves are falling form the trees and there soon won't be any more left. Most of the days are a bit grey right now, so much that the light needs to be turned on inside throughout the day. Therefore I enjoy especially whenever the sun shines and makes everything luminous.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Bread Days!

I finally got around to making a sourdough and have successfully made two breads doing this week. It is nice to start of Sunday with a piece of home-baked bread and a cup of coffee. Currently I am doing a mixture of rye and spelt but perhaps I will develop it, once the recipe has been thoroughly tested.

Tuesday 11 November 2014


Right now I love the mornings when the sun comes into our kitchen and I can make some of the coffee I brought back from Caravan in London. To me their Market Blend is the best coffee, and since I brought it back, it has become a bit of a morning ritual to make myself a cup.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Sunday Is no. 16!

To go for a long walk along the lichtgrenze.
Today we took an almost 5 hour walk with a group of friends and thousands of other people, along the wall of light-up balloons symbolizing the 25 year anniversary of the Berlin wall fall. A cold but pleasurable way to spend Sunday afternoon.

Thursday 6 November 2014

October Instagram Recap!

October was a busy month: first a road-trip to Denmark, then a visit in London and at the end we had to set our clocks to wintertime and we celebrated our move-in by backing danish pastry and inviting people over for tea.