
Sunday 19 September 2010


Last night I went with Liv and her roommate to this Theater in Prenzlauer Berg who are closing because they could not extend their lease, as the owners want to renovate the building. Therefor they had a 60 hour long performance going on this weekend, and even made a sleeping area if you wanted to stay there the entire time.
First we saw a performance that told the history of the house. How it use to belong to a Jewish family who sold tobacco and thereafter became a sewing factory, up til the fall of the DDR.
My favorite part was when a bunch of old seamstresses told about their daily work at the factory.
After the first performance there were some poetry slam that we decided to stick around for, and although my German skills needs to be a little improved for listening the really fast rap, it was really great and funny.

Such a shame that they now have nowhere to go!!

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