
Sunday 4 December 2011

The Sound of Bore and Grief!

Now it is really getting cold, and today all I really wanted was to stay inside and hide in my bed. Vincent and I desided to defy the weather and go to south London to see an exhibition.
First we went to Happy Kitchen, a nice little cafe right underneath London Fields station. We got some soup to get heated up before continuing.

After that we went to Danille Arnaud Gallery, which is in a private home. Here we saw installations by artist Louisa Fairclough. First was different 16 mm film machines, one portraying a woman, the other emptiness and we heard the song of Bore and Grief

On the first floor was a room with drawings, a record player and two speakers. A note told us to lay down on the carpet while listening. So we put the pickup to the record, lay down, hand in hand and swam away tho the sound of church bells and waves. Definitely worth going out for.

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