I realized coming back to London after the summer that I had way to many things for what I need. After living almost 3 month with only what could fit inside my suitcase I decided that it was time sort my things, and bring some of the stuff, which I never use back with me when I visit Denmark. I keep telling myself to pack minimal but I somehow end up with things that I never use.
One thing I always pack regardless if I am going for a weekend or moving is my jewelry. Often I don't use all of them, but they are very important to me because many contains a memory of someone of something that happened in my life.
It is not that often that I get to share these small anecdotes so I thought I would share it with you and hope that you find it a bit interesting.
These are just a small bit of the ones I have, but they are the ones I treasure the most.
A ring from each of my grandmothers. My grandmother always wore 4 rings and when she died we were 4 granddaughters who each got to choose a ring. I chose the one with the big stone. The other was my grandmothers wedding ring and my father and aunt had a stone added to it before giving it to my when I graduated high school. I always wear the two of them together on the same finger
A lot of my necklaces are mended because I am sometimes not to careful. They often get caught under the saddle when I lock my bike. This one too, right by hook at the end of the horseshoe. I had it fixed at a nice little shop in Berlin, where it smelled like he could be stoned. I felt a bit weird leaving it with him, but the next day he had fixed it and didn't even want any payment.
This is my splash of color, the stars I bought on my very first trip to Berlin. This is in many ways a trip that changed my life.
Here is another mended necklace, hence the perl which I mended it with. The middle one is also from my grandmother and the bottom one my parents gave to my when I graduated high school. My mum bought it believing that I didn't like it so she could maybe have it instead, but it quickly became one of my favorite and I think she still regreats a bit not having bought one for herself as well.
Does it look familiar?
This is one of my favorite flea market findings. I found it in a pile of unusable stuff and got it very cheap. Whether it is real or not I don't know, but it stays intact no matter what I put it through. The chain however is a different story.
Once I got an e-mail telling me that I won a competition I couldn't remember entering. If I had got it today I would have thought it was spam but this one was actually real. I won this plus matching earrings and another necklace. I recently had this one in my drawer for over a year because the chain was broken. Finally someone managed to fix it.
Bracelets also from my grandmother.
These ones doesn't have a particular story besided that my father after living alone with me for 20 years know my taste very well. He gave these to me for Christmas some years ago. They are the ones I wear most often as they are simple and beautiful and they go with everything else.
Another great flea market purchase. These ones were in fact not very nice when I found them. A huge clip on black dot was on the top, but I quickly changed it so they would be dangling earrings instead. With a price of 5DKK and the new rings, this is also the cheapest piece of jewelry I own.
This daisy is from my great grandmother, so that is why it is a bit worn, but I like it all the same
Every time I visited Illum in Copenhagen I went by the "Arena CPH" department and looked into the montre to see this ring. This went on for a couple of years before I finally added it to my wishlist for Christmas. To me it is very classic and beautiful but still bold and modern.
My father gave these to me back when I finished my first degree as a pattern cutter. I thinks it is a really great idea to offer jewelry in memory of a special date. For me I really hold on to these things and appreciate them because it is an item that will continue lasting.
(That is unless you break the chain)
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