Saturday, 31 March 2012

Home Improvement!

A while ago I found an empty shell on the street. An old piece of furniture that someone didn't want anymore.
It was the same color as my grandmothers closet. The one I brought back and forth from Berlin, so in a way I felt this was meant to be found by me.

And by taking out some old would, and putting in some shelves...
 and with the right tool...
 and a trip to the DIY store.
 With a bit of paint....
 and some patience....
 I could take of the tape and I just needed....
 some rearranging of things
 And I had a brand new corner in my room, with a new shelf for my clothes.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Change In The Weather?

For the past days the weather has been summer-like and it is really hard to believe that it wont last forever.
Anyway. I have been enjoying it eating icecream, making spring quiche and great coffee and worked on various projects as always.  

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Deux Grandes Lettre Sont Arrivées!

Today I came home to a full mailbox.
It made me fell almost like was it my birthday.
I received a parcel from amazon that I knew I didn't order myself.
It was a book.
In my attempt to learn how to speak french I wished for George Perec's "Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu parisien" which I already know in English.
Since it has a lot of one line sentences it should be manageable for me to relate the two, and maybe learn some new words and ways to say things.
I guess a close French speaking person is as eager for me to speak as I am to learn.
So I received it with love.

Airmail also came all the way from the land of Oz. Angie wrote me a sweet letter and send me the Movie "Paris je t'aime".
A whole lot of French for one day!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring. With Every Season Changes Everything!

Yesterday I was introduced to the beautiful and colorful paintings of David Hockney.
They make me smile.
He makes every season look beautiful and inviting.
It makes me think about spring, or maybe it is just that it is spring outside and all the bright colors from the blossoming trees makes everything seem colorful.
To think that I almost missed it.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Of All The Colors In The World!

Yesterday I saw the cutest little lady bird, in a perfect color. She was hiding herself on my stockings.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Warm Weather Warm Coffee!

The sun is shining and I have been spending the morning working at The Counter Cafe.
One of my favorite hang out spots, only a short bike ride from my home.
Great Coffee,
Nice surroundings
and a view to the Olympic city!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Photography Photography!

I started reading "Camera Lucida" by Roland Barthes, which makes me questioning how I should look on photography. Also Today I picked up my very first black and white contact sheets.

Beautiful Things!

 I think I have fallen in love with these beautiful handwoven blankets from Eleanor Pritchard.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Biking Through The Town!

Last week I had a rather spontaneous visit from Eva. We went for coffee, fish and chips, shopped, went out for drinks and had fun while enjoying the springtime.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Sunny Sunday!

Today it has been a lovely weather, in fact so good that I for the first time left my winter jacket at home. All the streets and parks were full of people, who were like myself drawn outside by the sight of sun. I spend my afternoon on Martins balcony drinking tee and coffee, enjoying the warm spring air.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

New Skills!

Today I was taught a new craftsmanship.
Photo etching!

You already know the original. Here it is together with the finished result.