Sunday, 30 September 2012

Sunday Soundtrack!

Favorite Sunday doings:
- Sleeping in
- Going for coffee
- Reading
- Listen to music
- Relaxing at home
- Going for a walk, maybe to the market
- Eating something nice

Today I did 6 out of 7. Ironically I woke up pretty early and couldn't sleep, however it gave me a chance to do many of the things that I had to. Sweater is coming nicely along, it will be finished before the real cold hits London.
After spending some of the day out and about I relaxed at home while listening to Nils Frahm's Screws album. To me this is the perfect Sunday soundtrack.
At present moment you can hear and download the album for free here. Maybe you will listen to it next Sunday?

The Heart Collection no. 24 + 25!

Yesterday I was so lucky to find two hearts on the street. Second one was taped. Perhaps someone brook it and it needed a repair.

Fish At The Break Of Dawn!

Yesterday morning we woke up very early to go to Billingsgate fish market. We were there at 5 o'clock with all the traders to get fresh fish for the weekend.
We ended up having oysters, eel, crab meat, scallops, scrimps, mackerel and salmon. We saw the sun rise and set together in a day where we had nothing to eat but fish. I have to admit that I still didn't have the guts to try the oysters, maybe it will come on day maybe it wont.
I ended up being awake for 20 hours in a row and am today still very tired, but it was definitely a nice thing to do together. In a way it felt like Christmas time, where the my whole family is gathered around the table for days just eating, talking and hanging out.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

180 Degrees!

I am not all ready to show pictures from the new flat, however here you get a sneak peak. I really like this lamp among the many things I like about the place. Coolest thing is that you can see the living room and kitchen in 180 degrees.
Thanks for the beautiful flowers I received yesterday. It was very unexpected but nice. 

Sunday, 23 September 2012

A New Home!

For some time now I wanted to post these pictures from Dan Grahams New Jersey book "Homes For America"!
I find them so simple and beautiful. 
Today it seams appropriate to show new houses, since I yesterday moved into a new home. The reason I use the term home is because we found the most lovely flat in a Victorian House, which after only one day and almost none of my stuff here, already feels like a home. I feel really lucky to have found this amazing place, where I can hopefully stay for the rest of my time in London.
Tomorrow I will get my stuff from the storage and Tuesday is the day Michael moves in. Once we are all settled I will definitely post some pictures. 

Friday, 21 September 2012

New Recipes!

I put tree new recipes up to my recipe side. I made them over the summer in Berlin. As usual they are allergy friendly.
Hope you will enjoy them if you choose to try out.

Coconut, mango, rice salad

Gluten and yeast free pizzadough


Thursday, 20 September 2012

Temporary Home No 2!

I never realized how exhausting it can be to look for a place to live. Before it has always somehow worked out. The past couple of days has been quite stressful, but it looks like we might have found a place, and I wont have to go to a temporary house no. 3.
Fingers crossed!

Very Temporary Home No. 1!

I have to say that the best thing about being without a place to live, is to feel the warmth of my friends who offer me to come into their home until I found a place of my own. At the first one I only stayed for half a day, but I like this place very much, cause it always feels very welcome and warm.
I have been looking at a few places but so far none of them has worked out, I will continue the hunt tomorrow and cross my fingers that one of them are good.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Goodbye Berlin, Hallo London!

Vincent took a picture of my toenails matching the leaf

This morning I got up very early to catch a plane to another city. It was time to go back to London. School will start soon and I have to deal with the fact that I am still without a place to live.
It was very sad leaving Berlin, for many different reasons. Mostly because I spend two month sharing all my days and nights with one person who all of a sudden wont be there every day for a very long time.
I had such a great time this summer seeing all my friends again and having time to experience the city as being my home again. The last time I went a little crazy with meeting friends and eating out. So in that way it will be good to return to normal.
Here are a couple of pictures from my last time there.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Vincent Found These At The Flea Market!

My last Sunday in Berlin was spend doing one of the classic Sunday Berlin occupations. Going to the flea market.
Vincent spend one euro on this wonderful alfabeth. We bought nothing else.
Cheap Cheap. Maybe because it misses both a K and a J. But it is still fun. I used it to practice a bit of french on, which I was suppose to do but never got around to it.
Feels like that's how a Sunday should be, full of procrastination and relaxation. 

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Summer Favorites!

Summer has come to an end. Maybe we will be so lucky to have an indian summer at the end of this month like last year, but right now it seam seasons have changed. Even though Autumn is my favorite of the four the change makes me think of all the things that I like most about summer. The once I will miss and already looking forward to doing again next year.

Picnic with friends



and warm summer nights

Biking everywhere

Wearing sandals everyday...

and walking barefoot at the beach



and more strawberries.

Raspberries are also good.

and cold watermelon on a hot day


and butterflies, (in Denmark we call them summerbirds, sommerfugl)!

Colorful flowers everywhere.

Sitting outside a cafe drinking coffee

and having ice cream  with my best friend

Oh, can't wait.