Sunday 22 January 2017

Miniature Projects

I guess most of you already knows this. But if you don't, Vincent and I will add a new little member to our family in a month or so. This is, of course, something we find super exciting and at the same time terrifying. There is something nice about this waiting period full of expectation and uncertainty, and I sometimes wish we could pause the clock and stay here just for a little bit longer.

As you can see from the pictures I have been doing a whole lot of knitting during the past couple of months. Now, there is finally a reason to knit stuff for someone else than myself and I can go crazy in cute baby patterns and tryouts and teddies.

The thing I like most about knitting baby clothes is, that it is so much quicker than if I were to knit a sweater for myself, so I really had fun trying out lots of new patterns and techniques. And I am far from done. I definitely see myself knitting on a more regular basis, now that there is a wardrobe that needs to be renewed every once in a while.

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