Saturday 24 January 2015

Ben and Silo!

Through my former hairdresser in London Ben, I met another guy called Ben, who is a Barista. After moving to Berlin I was complaining about the scarcity of good coffeeplaces in Berlin compared to London and he told me to go to Silo where his friend Ben works.

Silo is located in Friedrichshain - A place that I do not visit frequently anymore. The other day was the first time I had an occasion to go there, since he told me back in August. But though a long wait it definitely lived up to any expectations I had. It very much reminded me of a lot of the coffee places you find in London, and I have the feeling that was it nearer to my place, I would hang there all the time, drink coffee and eat croissants.

Sadly it does not change the fact that I still have to make a 10 minute bike ride before hitting the first good coffee place near my home.

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